finding a niche

When I started my business, everyone said to find a specific niche but I didn't know quite how. I had a lot of experience in eCommerce, so I started there.

Originally, I billed myself as an eCommerce SEO writer and consultant. The goal was to work directly with eCommerce companies (mostly on Shopify) to improve their site architecture, SEO, and UX.

This worked for a few months and admittedly I didn't love it. COVID restrictions caused a trickle-up effect — clients' customers ran into cashflow issues, affecting them, finally affecting me — and by May 2020 almost all my business was gone.

I had one remaining eCommerce entrepreneur as a client (still have them to this day, they're great) and the rest were....poof.

While I still work with that one original eCommerce client, and will continue to, 99% of my business pivoted as a result to doing B2B SEO content for digital marketing agencies and SaaS brands. This is actually a much better fit for me than trying to work with only eComm companies.

I think that pushing the idea of immediately finding one's niche on business owners can be tricky. I originally thought about naming my business in a manner that used the term 'eCommerce' and now I'm sure glad I didn't.

Now that I've niched down my business in a more appropriate way, I'm trying to focus on a few more areas of development:
